√ダウンロード oat coolant ms-12106 color 235651

Most cars use this antifreeze and just fine old Japanese car 300k onHOAT coolant formula includes silicates as additives Previous years were HOAT (Specifically, Zerex G05), which is why it can't be mixed with the 13 OAT coolant Look at it for signs of muddiness Mixing OAT and HOAT coolant is BAD and should be avoidedThis is the correct MS OAT (not HOAT) for most 13 FCA vehicles check your coolant tank sticker to be sure Dilute 50/50 with Distilled water This concentrate is purple color, compatible with factory fill MS that may appear orange in your vehicle

Oat coolant ms-12106 color

Oat coolant ms-12106 color-

42 11

42 11



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